Testing Interview Questions in Chembian Technologies – Part – II

Testing Interview Questions in Chembian Technologies – Part – II

This blog explains about Testing Interview Questions in Chembian Technologies – Part – II especially for Freshers .

We have already seen some questions in the previous blog . Let us discuss  some  more questions frequently asked in the interview for freshers.  They are :




 1. What is Defect / Bug  Life Cycle??

defect is an error or a bug, in the application which is created. A programmer while designing and building the software can make mistakes or error. These mistakes or errors mean that there are flaws in the software. These are called defects.

Defect life cycle, also known as Bug Life cycle is the journey of a defect cycle, which a defect goes through during its lifetime. It varies from organization to organization and also from project to project as it is governed by the software testing process and also depends upon the tools used.

Defect Life Cycle or Bug Life Cycle is the specific set of states that a Bug goes through from discovery to defect fixation.

The number of states that a defect goes through varies from project to project. Below lifecycle diagram, covers all possible states


2. Explain Roles and responsibility of tester?

  • Roles and Responsibilities of a Tester are as follows.In the test planning and preparation phases of the testing, testers should review and contribute to test plans, as well as analyzing, reviewing and assessing requirements and design specifications.
  • They may be involved in or even be the primary people identifying test conditions and creating test designs, test cases, test procedure specifications and test data, and may automate or help to automate the tests.
  • They often set up the test environments or assist system administration and network management staff in doing so.
  • As test execution begins, the number of testers often increases, starting with the work required to implement tests in the test environment.
  • Testers execute and log the tests, evaluate the results and document problems found.
  • They monitor the testing and the test environment, often using tools for this task, and often gather performance metrics.
  • Throughout the software testing life cycle, they review each other’s work, including test specifications, defect reports and test results
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  • 3. Explain Difference Smoke and sanity difference?

Difference between Smoke & Sanity Software Testing:

  • Smoke testing is a wide approach where all areas of the software application are tested without getting into too deep. However, a sanity software testing is a narrow regression testing with a focus on one or a small set of areas of functionality of the software application.
  • The test cases for smoke testing of the software can be either manual or automated. However, a sanity test is generally without test scripts or test cases.
  • Smoke testing is done to ensure whether the main functions of the software application are working or not. During smoke testing of the software, we do not go into finer details. However, sanity testing is a cursory software testing type. It is done whenever a quick round of software testing can prove that the software application is functioning according to business / functional requirements.
  • Smoke testing of the software application is done to check whether the build can be accepted for through software testing. Sanity testing of the software is to ensure whether the requirements are met or not
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  • 4. Explain v model. what are the roles of tester?

Definition : The process of evaluating software to determine whether the products of a given development phase satisfy the conditions imposed at the start of that phase.

Verification is a static practice of verifying documents, design, code and program.

It includes all the activities associated with producing high quality software: inspection, design analysis and specification analysis. It is a relatively objective process.

Verification will help to determine whether the software is of high quality, but it will not ensure that the system is useful. Verification is concerned with whether the system is well-engineered and error-free.
