SQL Training in Chennai

SQL Training in chennai Payilagam

This course is designed to introduce students to the world of relational databases and the SQL language, which is the standard for interacting with these databases. SQL is used for a wide range of applications, from managing and querying data to creating and maintaining databases. By the end of this course, students will have a solid understanding of SQL and be able to perform tasks such as querying databases, inserting, updating, and deleting data, and designing simple database structures.

Prerequisites: No prior knowledge of SQL or databases is required. Familiarity with basic computer operations and data concepts is beneficial.

1) Introduction to Databases and SQL
*What is a Database?
*Types of Databases
*Introduction to SQL
*SQL Syntax Basics
*Installing SQL Server(PostgreSQL)

2) Retrieving Data
*SELECT statement and its clauses
*Filtering Data using WHERE clause
*Sorting Data using ORDER BY clause
*Using DISTINCT keyword
*Limiting Results using LIMIT, OFFSET

3) Filtering and Sorting Data
*Using Comparison Operators
*Using Logical Operators
*Combining Conditions using AND, OR, NOT
*Sorting Data using ORDER BY clause
*Using NULL and IS NULL, IS NOT NULL operators

4) Joins
*Introduction to Joins
*Inner Join
*Left Join
*Right Join
*Full Join
*Cross Join
*Self Join

5) Aggregate Functions and Grouping Data
*Using Aggregate Functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX)
*GROUP BY clause
*HAVING clause

6) Data Modification
*INSERT statement
*UPDATE statement
*DELETE statement
*Modifying data using subqueries

7) Creating and Modifying Tables
*CREATE TABLE statement
*ALTER TABLE statement
*Adding and modifying columns
*Dropping and renaming tables

8) Constraints and Indexes
*Primary Key Constraint
*Foreign Key Constraint
*Unique Constraint
*Not Null Constraint
*Creating and managing indexes

9) Transactions and Concurrency Control
*Introduction to Transactions
*Transaction Control Commands (COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT)

10) Normalization
*1st Normal Form
*2nd Normal Form
*3rd Normal Form

11) Advanced Topics
*Stored Procedures
*User-Defined Functions
*Indexing Strategies