PYTHON Introduction and Installation

This Blog explains about Python Introduction and Installation given below

Introduction to Python:

Python is a general purpose high-level programming language which is Introduced by Guidovan Rossum which was developed at the year of 1991.


Interpreter – line by line translation

Compiler – translate the whole program


1. Procedure oriented / structure oriented programming: C language.

2. Object oriented programming: Java.

3. Functional programming: javascript,C language,java etc


Python is developed from C and ABC language.

It is a functional programming and multi-paradigm language.

It supports both functional, procedure program and object oriented program.


C- functional programming.

C++ – object oriented programming.

Modular 3- modular programming.

Shell scripting- scripting language.

The above languages are supported in python.


Easy and simple, free and open source, high level language, object oriented and procedure oriented, platform independent, portability, dynamically typed, interpreted language, robust,embedded language, extensible language.

Python can also be used as a scripting language.

Hint- dynamically typed: No need to worry about datatypes.

Statically typed: Supports datatype eg. Java,C++


Python can be used in machine language with libraries like numpy, pandas,matplotlib.

Flash,Django were used in web framework.


Python can’t be used in mobile applications.


Cpython – C with python.

Jpython- Java with python.

Iron python- C#, .net with python.

Ruby Python – Ruby with python.

Anaconda Python – machine learning and data science with python.

Pypy – python for speed – with JIT compiler. (JIT- just in time).

Stackless python- for multithreading.


Latest Python version is 3.8

Latest Python version 3.x is completely different from other 2.x old versions.
