Compound data types in Python

This blog explains about compound data types in Python.

Compound Data Types:

 * List





A list is an array of objects. An object can be an integer,a string,float or other things.


mylist = [“John”, “Smith, 29]


  • Lists are ordered.
  • Lists can contain any arbitrary objects.
  • List elements can be accessed by index.
  • Lists can be nested to arbitrary depth.
  • Lists are mutable.
  • Lists are dynamic.


Sometimes, dictionaries are a better choice to store data. For example, in the example where the user would enter their name, surname and age a dictionary would be a better choice to store the data:

mydict = {“name”:”John”, “surname”:”Smith”, “age”:29}


Tuples are just like lists but they are immutable. Once you define a list you can add new items to them,remove existing items and so on. But you cannot do that with a tuple.

mytuple = (10, 20, 30)

The difference with lists in terms of syntax is that tuples are written with round brackets. Indexing works the same with lists.


Sets like dictionaries in that they don’t keep record of the order or their items. They also don’t accept to have duplicate values.


Sets are sometimes useful to remove duplicates from lists. Example:

mylist = [10, 11, 11]

myset = set(mylist)

mylist = list(myset)


So, what we did there was we used the set() function to convert mylist into a set. That will create a set with items 10 and 11 only. Then we use the list() function to convert that set back to a list. So, we get [10, 11] as output.