RYTWAYS Fresher Interview Questions with Answers – Part 3
This blog explains about RYTWAYS Fresher Interview Questions with Answers – Part 3 and is given below :
We have already discussed about some questions in the previous part 1 & 2
11. Write a Java program to transpose a matrix .
Java Program to transpose matrix
Converting rows of a matrix into columns and columns of a matrix into row is called transpose of a matrix.
Let’s see a simple example to transpose a matrix of 3 rows and 3 columns.
- publicclass MatrixTransposeExample{
- publicstatic void main(String args[]){
- //creating a matrix
- intoriginal[][]={{1,3,4},{2,4,3},{3,4,5}};
- //creating another matrix to store transpose of a matrix
- inttranspose[][]=new int[3][3]; //3 rows and 3 columns
- //Code to transpose a matrix
- for(inti=0;i<3;i++){
- for(intj=0;j<3;j++){
- transpose[i][j]=original[j][i];
- }
- }
- out.println(“Printing Matrix without transpose:”);
- for(inti=0;i<3;i++){
- for(intj=0;j<3;j++){
- out.print(original[i][j]+” “);
- }
- out.println();//new line
- }
- out.println(“Printing Matrix After Transpose:”);
- for(inti=0;i<3;i++){
- for(intj=0;j<3;j++){
- out.print(transpose[i][j]+” “);
- }
- out.println();//new line
- }
- }}
Printing Matrix without transpose:1 3 4 2 4 3 3 4 5
Printing Matrix After Transpose:1 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 5
12 . Write a Java program to swap two numbers without using temporary variable .
13 . Write a Java program to print the source code .
public class SourcePrint {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void test(){
System.out.println(“Hi I’m test”);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SourcePrint().test();
14 . Write a Java program to print Hello without using semicolon .
C Program to print “hello” without semicolon
We can print “hello” or “hello world” or anything else in C without using semicolon. There are various ways to do so:
- Using if
- Using switch
Using loop etc.
Program 1: Using if statement
Let’s see a simple c example to print “hello world” using if statement and without using semicolon.
- #include<stdio.h>
- int main()
- {
- if(printf(“hello world”)){}
- return0;
- }
hello world