Inheritance in Java

In this blog explain what is Inheritance, How to use inheritance & Types of Inheritance.


An object of one class behaving as an object of another class. In Java, inheritance means creating new classes based on existing ones. Inheritance purpose is code re-usability.

class RBI
credit( )
debit( )
si( )
ci( )
class SBI extends RBI


There are two major classes namely Parent class or Super class or Base class and Child class or sub class or derived class. Java using extends keyword.

  • Single Inheritance
  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Hierarchical Inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance

Java not Support the Multiple Inheritance.

Single Inheritance:-

* Single inheritance, Subclasses inherit the Parent class. example Ais Parent class and B is Child class.

Class A Parent class Class B is the derived class.


Multilevel Inheritance:-

Multilevel inheritance in Java is Type of Inheritance in which class that is already inherited by another class, inherites anthoer class.


Hierarchical Inheritance:-

  Hierarchical inheritance is a type of inheritance in which a parent class can have multiple child classes. In other words, it is a type of inheritance in which a parent class serves as a base for multiple child classes, and each child class inherits properties and methods from the parent class.

types of inheritance in java5

Hybrid Inheritance:
It typically involves a mix of single inheritance, multiple inheritances, hierarchical inheritance, or multilevel inheritance. While hybrid inheritance provides flexibility, it can also introduce complexities and challenges.

