Java Training in Chennai


Payilagam offers customized Core Java training in Chennai for Individuals and groups. We provide a great platform to learn Java. Java is a popular object-oriented programming language. It is one of the world’s leading development languages. Java is an underlying technology required by many applications and websites and you will find it just about everywhere. At Payilagam, trainees will learn the fundamentals of Java. A perfect approach on Java classes, objects and programming skills to work on live projects. A well-structured course modules and sessions to get evolve the most demanding course in the IT world. Get the Core Java training from the institute that understands learning needs of Individuals! Contact us for the instructor-led training classes in Chennai for Core Java programming and more in depth classes covering intermediate and advanced topics.

Object Oriented Programming Concepts


OOP Concepts (Basic + Fundamental of OOP).
Benefits of OOP Programming.

Introduction to JAVA

What is Java
Features of Java.
Advantages of Java.
JDK, JVM architecture.
Setting the class path.

Java Installation

Java Installation
Eclipse Installation
My First Java Program
Sample Java Program

Details about main Method

Data types, Variables and Operators

Java Tokens, Alphabets (Character Set).
Keywords, Java Reserved Keywords, Identifiers, Constants, Datatypes, Operators.

Control-flow Statements

Control-Flow Statements, Decision-Making Statements, Switch and IF else,  nested–– if

Conditional Statements

Looping statements – while, for, do.. while and Break, Continue.

Classes and Objects

What is Class, Declaring a class, Rules for Naming Class
Creating an Object, new keyword

Exploring Methods

Method Calling from main() method
Return values from called method
Significance of void, return keywords
Argument Passing, Local Variable, Global Variable

Polymorphism – Introduction

Methods with different no. and type of arguments
Introduction to Polymorphism
Method Overloading – Compile Time Polymorphism

Encapsulation – Introduction

Create one more class in same package– Class 2
Call methods present  in Class 1 from Class 2
Significance of Access Modifiers – private, public and default

Encapsulation – Part 2

Create one more class in another package– Class 2
Try to call methods present  in Class 1 from Class 2
Significance of Access Modifier – protected.


Need for Inheritance
IS-A relationship
Usage of extends keyword
Simple, Multilevel and Hierarchical Inheritance
Create child class in another package– Class 2
Significance of Access Modifier – protected.

Polymorphism – Method Overriding

Method Overriding
Type Casting
super and this keywords
super() and this() keywords


What is Constructor
How Constructor is being called
Rules for Constructor
Constructor Overloading

Getting inputs at runtime

Scanner Class and its methods
Converting all their previous programs with Scanner Class


Need for Array
Types of Arrays
Array Declaration – Two Ways
2D, 3Dimension arrays
Int array, char array, String array
Converting all their previous programs with Scanner Class


String Class
String declaration – two ways
Heap Memory, String Constant Pool Memory
Difference between String literal and String Object
Difference between == operator and equals method
toString() method, hashCode() method

Abstraction – Introduction

Details about abstract keyword
Abstract Class
Abstract Method
Creating Object for abstract class not possible – Why
Dynamic Binding / Late Binding
Significance of static keyword
Static abstract class not possible – How

Inheritance – Interface

What is Interface
Difference between Abstract class and Interface
Usage of implements keyword
Interface, Sub Interface
Dynamic Binding / Late Binding

Exception Handling

What is Exception
Difference between Exception and Error
Syntax for Exception Handling Mechanism.
try Block, Catch Block, Exception , Checked Exceptions
Catch Block (or) Multiple Catch.
Throw, Throws, The finally Block,
User Defined Exceptions.

Utility Classes  – Introduction

Collection Framework
Collection Interfaces
The List Interface and its implementation classes
The Set Interface and its implementation classes
The Queue Interface and its implementation classes
Map and its class
SortedMap and its classes

Utility Classes  – List Interface

ArrayList and its methods
LinkedList and its methods
Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList
Iterator Methods

Utility Classes  – List Interface – Logical Programs

Getting input from user and Sorting the arraylist
Searching in ArrayList
Replacing element in ArrayList

Utility Classes  – Map Interface – Logical Programs

Find duplicate character in a given String using HashMap
Find unique characters in a given String using HashMap
Find count of characters in a given String using HashMap


Need for Generics
Simple Generics
Subtyping in generics


Predefined Packages
Userdefined Packages


Threaded Application
Thread states
Runnable interface and Thread class
Thread Priority
Interrupting Threads (sleep(), join())
Intro. About Inter thread communication

SQL Basics

MySQL Installation
SQL Basic Queries

Introduction to JDBC

The JDBC Connectivity Model
Types of Jdbc Drivers
Database Programming (with MYSQL)
Connecting to the Database
Creating a SQL Query
Getting the Results using ResultSet Interface
Statement and PreparedStatement
Commit and Autocommit, BatchUpdates
ResultSetMetaData and DataBaseMetaData